I recently attended a "Tweet-Up" (which is a fancy way of saying a "Twitterholics Anonymous" meeting). Typically I attend as many such gatherings as I can in order to recruit those in need of rehab. At this particular meeting, held at a secret location, I was quite surprised by the motley crew of Twitter loyalists gathered to pay tribute to that seductive siren, who calls to them 140 characters at time. Clearly, Twitter addiction impacts all walks of life... on this planet and beyond...
Special thanks to patients Todd Van Hoosear, John Keyes, and the Aliens.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Day 235: Twitter Addiction is a UNIVERSAL Problem!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Day 233: Bored at Rehab so I created a NEW TWITTER GAME!
While passing the time in Twitter Rehab here at INVITATIONS I was daydreaming about Twitter and came up with an idea for a new game (and yet another way to feed my addiction -- after all, the most popular games are addictive, aren't they!) I managed to sneak my Treo with me into a supply closet to log onto Twitter and check it out.
Here's how it works:
The Objective:
To rearrange the words in a Tweet to create new meaning.
The Rules:
You must use ALL the words in the original Tweet and your resulting Tweet MUST have some reasonably intelligible meaning.
For the first re-wording of a Tweet (First Generation) you get 5 points.
For re-wording someone else's re-wording (Second Generation) you get 10 points.
If there is a Third Generation (re-wording someone's Second Generation) you get 15 points.
You get 25 BONUS POINTS if your REPEAT TWEET gets a reply from the original Tweeter (and they have no idea you just rearranged and spit back their own words.)
Some Examples:
It started with me spotting this Tweet from Chris Brogan:
To which I REPEAT TWEETed:
Soon Becky McCray joined the fray. She Tweeted:
Which of course I REPEAT TWEETed as:
Which of course COMPLETELY CONFUSED Tony Katz. You get the idea...
So, let me know what you think of REPEAT TWEET and please post your examples of REPEAT TWEETS in the comments below. Of course, if you spend too much time playing REPEAT TWEET you may need to fill out an application form for a bed here at INVITATIONS rehab. Perhaps I'll see you soon!